This is a model named Nate from Europe! He is not only handsome but he has a great sense of fashion. I would like to see more guys dress differently besides wearing their pants baggy all the time or wearing tight skinny jeans, that's all getting boring. Guys need to mix it up! One example: there was a poll about how well guys dress in this magazine (i was reading this from the Metro newspaper and i forgot the name of it), but Boston was named the worst city when it comes to guys dressing up. They suggested Boston males step up their game instead of always wearing pants, sandals and sweaters. And i completely agree with that verdict lol. I think guys in Boston always wear a college sweater like Harvard or Northeastern etc. and sandals! i hate sandals especially when their feet looks gross or weird (for example, their toe nails) grossest thing ever! So Boston dudes should mix up their clothes more like the magazine suggested; it would be nice to see something fresh and different once in a while!